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Academic_Puszi Trailer
E-Quality Academia EQUA

Academic_Puszi Trailer

Academic_Puszi is a documentary written and directed by Georgiana Turculet, known by her nickname Georgie. As an awarded Marie S. Curie academic, Georgie undertakes a trip across Europe from the East to the North, just after the Coronavirus pandemic eased out with the opening of national borders - that is just after two long years got confined to their homes, neighbourhoods, cities, regions and states. This documentary is a personal journey of healing - Georgie uniting with friends, colleagues, and unknown others, friends, colleagues, and unknown welcoming circles of people, while revisiting the places from her past. The central idea Georgie wishes to reflect upon as a philosopher on her journey, is that of being stuck in movement, unveiling, in so doing, the precocity behind the otherwise prestigious outlook of her and most academic profiles and careers. The documentary reconstructs, through poetic and reflexive style and rhythm, Georgie's story that intertwines with interviewees' personal and professional stories - all mounting jointly a criticism of the societal and academic culture and structure, within which we all live. This project was financed by the European Union. I forgot the grant number. I swear, it is no disrespect. Its first screening in Vienna CEU got shut down due to an anonymous complainer. It has been screened in Webster University in Vienna, in Berlin Bard Liberal Art College, in CEU Democracy Institute in Budapest. Due to threats of all sorts, I make it public, and like the Democracy Institute organiser's said to me, I'll wait for the lawsuits to take it down. Meanwhile, watch widely! Open Access means Open Access in EU standards.
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